Our Philosophy in Tallahassee, FL

The goal of Ann's Pre-School is to work in partnership with parents to provide a program that meets the individual needs of each child. We strive to maintain an atmosphere that provides acceptance of all people regardless of ability, age, race or religion. The philosophies of the school are developmentally based and an attempt is made to challenge each child and help him successfully master skills and achieve goals in a safe environment without any sense of pressure or failure.
Making butter during our Farm unit.
The theory that young children learn best through direct hands-on experiences with their world and through interaction with other children and adults is an integral part of our program. We have a multi-age setting where adults and older children model behavior for the younger children. The teachers work as a team to enable each child to experience love and caring. We provide a positive and stimulating environment where children can develop to their fullest potential.

We encourage children to control their world and solve problems using language. The wide variety of hands-on experiences helps children feel in control and avoid most behavior problems. Cooperation with and respect for others is fostered. Aggressive behavior is discouraged.

We provided experiences that allow the child to choose and aid in their decision-making.
Opportunities to make decisions and interact with adults and peers in real life situation are available throughout the day at Ann's Pre-School.

About Our Curriculum
Our curriculum uses a combination of British Infant and Beyond Centers and Circle Time. Both curriculums are based on a hands-on approach to learning. We use themes, which change every six to eight weeks. Art, music, number activities and speech development are an integral part of each theme. The various themes include related activities such as puppetry, drama, pottery, cooking, science projects, and gardening. Sand play, water play, storytelling, dress up and dramatic play, building, sorting, patterning, painting and coloring are daily activities. Reading and writing activities are used to develop literacy skills. Children make their own theme books as well as having journals for drawing and writing. (Younger children use loose paper rather than journals.) The school owns computers and computer literacy is developed beginning at approximately four years of age. There is a large adventure playground providing a suitable environment for development of gross motor and socialization skills.
Four times a year we hold an Open House connected with the current theme. Children give a performance for parents, friends and family. This is followed by either a covered dish supper or refreshments provided by the parents and staff.

The structure of the program, which allows children choices and gives the child control over his environment, helps avoid behavior problems and conflict with others. We help children develop language skills that enable them to communicate their needs and feelings to others. When a child experiences difficulty being self-directed and behaving appropriately at one area he/she is directed to another. If the child still cannot make appropriate choices or use language to solve his/her problem he/she is removed from the problem situation and given personal space away from the others in order to regain control. The child may return to the group or activity when he/she feels ready.
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